Ndeh Nation: Building a better future for San Carlos Youth
Ndeh Nation: Building a better future for San Carlos Youth
Volunteers needed for Fall and Winter of 2020!
If you have a passion for Apache Language, Apache Culture, or Technology; please volunteer your time and services to help our children to learn to speak, understand, and think in Apache!
Volunteer to read stories aloud in Apache to students in grades Pre Kindergarten through Second Grade
Volunteer to Translate written materials to be used in the Kindergarten and First Grade Immersion Classes
Volunteer to be a guest presenter about Apache Culture, History, Music, Art, Food, or Native Plants in Pre Kindergarten through Second Grade Classrooms
Volunteer to help in the Apache Language Lab to make and create materials to be used in the Pre Kindergarten through Second Grade Apache Language Classrooms
Volunteer to write or illustrate children’s stories in the Apache Language or about Apache Culture
Become an Apache Language Expert and volunteer to foster an understanding and appreciation of the Apache Language and Culture throughout the San Carlos Community.
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